Faithfully Interpreting The Gospels

One of the things that I believe is most needed in our churches today is training on how to faithfully read and interpret scriptures.  By God’s grace, I have recently begun to pursue a Master’s degree from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and it has been a sweet reminder of the significant impact principles of hermeneutics has had on my studies and life over the years . One of the primary objectives in my pursuit of a master’s degree is to pay attention more closely to how each class is taught so I can glean wisdom on how to effective teach how to apply faithful interpretation principles in order to “equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12).  I do want my understanding to be strengthened but I have a stronger desire to pick up nuances from some of the best professors in the world on how to teach others the same.

One of the most recent classes I have completed was New Testament I which was dedicated entirely to the gospels. I was reminded again of how important is it to faithfully interpret the gospels according to their literary genre.  One of the most fascinating  things about the gospels is, when comparing the gospels to other genres, you will inevitably realize that they stand alone as their own specific genre.  They have a relation for sure to other scriptural genres, as well as genres from the time in which they were written (they most closely resemble the Greek “Bios”), but a more thoughtful look at them reveals that they truly are in a category all by themselves.  This is because they contain both historical narrative and specific theological concerns.  Mark Strauss identifies the gospel genre as “historical narrative motivated by theological concerns” (Four Portraits, One Jesus, Mark Strauss, p. 29). It is when we realize this, that we understand that one cannot seek to only interpret them as historical narratives or theological treaties. In doing so, we will fail to faithfully interpret the gospels.

Here are a few simple things to do whenever we sit down to study the gospels:

1. Identify the True Goal of the Gospel Writers

One of the most helpful things to first do when reading the gospels is to identify the gospel writers as evangelists.  This has helped me tremendously in simply reminding myself that each gospel writer has a specific goal in the way he has compiled together his gospel.  And that goal, according to the gospel of John, is that “these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:31). They want people to know and trust in Christ Jesus our Lord.  This is vital to remember for several reasons: (1) This will help us when we notice that timelines in the gospels do not match.  The gospel accounts are not meant to be chronological, they are written with a specific purpose. (2) This will help us start to notice themes and common threads through out each gospel in order to get a more full and accurate interpretation.  When we realize the gospel writers are evangelists, we will recognize that they focus on particular portraits of Jesus which reveal deep truths about our Savior and King. (3) We will be able to fight the temptation to take every story and teaching to its most practical level and thus miss the glory of Christ. This is not to say that the gospels are not practical, but their primary goal to open our eyes to see who Jesus Christ truly was.

2. Read the Gospels according to their Literary Style

Another helpful thing to remember is that the gospels are narrative literature and therefore seek to tell a story.  Often times, I think we have a strong tendency to read all of scripture from the same lens and thus miss much of the benefit that comes from understanding each books/letters genre.  Most of the time this happens by simply sitting down for a few minutes to search for a nugget of truth to take with us throughout the day.  The problem with this approach to the gospels is that they are meant to be read as stories and thus we should sit down to read them with the goal of being drawn into the story.  After all, they are a narrative on the life of the most important figure in all of history.

3. Consider a Structured Approach to Faithful Interpretation

Finally, and probably most significantly, one of the most helpful ways of digging deeper to the gospels is to consider a structured approach to analyzing the gospels for consistent faithful interpretation.  There surely are varying ways to do this but love the method my recent professor taught in my recent course. He suggests doing a narrative analysis on each pericope (blocks of teaching or scenes in the gospels). This involves analyzing each narrative section the way you would any narrative literature by identifying scenes, characters, plot movement, climax, resolution and then including an analysis of how it relates to the Gospel as a whole and the entirety of scripture.  I thought I would share a copy of one of my assignments here to show how this is done.  Click here to open the assignment (this approach is credited to Dr. Jonathan Pennington at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary).

I hope these insights will help you as you continue to grow in your study of God’s word.