Eager to Give His Life
Does Jesus being eager to give His life sound like a funny thing to say to you? Why would anyone be eager to give their life for someone else? And why would someone who is righteous and perfectly good be eager to do so for people who were weak, ungodly, sinners, and enemies of God (Rom. 5:6-10)? Maybe for a good person someone may be willing to die but no one would be eager to ever die for a bad person (Rom. 5:7). But we see in John 12:27 that Jesus was eager to give His life, even suffering death on a cross. So, why was Jesus so eager to give His life? John 12:27-32 provides us with 5 reasons why Jesus was eager to give His live.
First, Jesus was eager to give His life because He came to earth for that purpose, “‘Now is my soul troubled. And what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But for this purpose I have come to this hour.'” (Jn. 12:27) Christ Jesus “humbled himself by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men” in order to be “obedient to the point of death” (Phil. 2:7-8). Giving of His life was the necessary requirement in order to ransom His people, to purchase His bride. Our sins needed to be atoned for, justice must be served, and for this purpose Christ came to the earth. He did not come to simply live an exemplary life. He did not come to simply heal diseases and cast out demons. He came with our salvation, purchased by His death, at the forefront of His mind.
Second, Jesus was eager to give His life because it glorified the Father’s name, “‘Father, glorify your name.’ Then a voice came from heaven: ‘I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again.'” (Jn. 12:28) How can the death of Christ on the cross glorify God the Father’s name? The cross was a shameful death. Jesus would be mocked, ridiculed, and humiliated. How could a perfect man dying glorify God’s name? Because, at the cross of Christ, God is shown to be “just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus” (Rom. 3:26). God’s is shown to be just because He punishes all sin. And He is shown to the be justifier because the sins of His people were paid for by Christ on the cross. Because of this we, who have been bought by the blood of Christ, glorify the name of the Father as the just and justifier.
Third, Jesus was eager to give His life because Satan would be declared powerless, “Now is the judgment of this world; now will the ruler of this world be cast out.” (Jn. 12:31) The death of Christ on the cross revealed the “manifold wisdom of God” to the ruler of this world. It proved that God keeps His promises, cares for His people, and that Satan does not have ultimate power. Through the death of Christ, we see the riches of God’s glory as the deliver of His people and Satan’s power over this world is proved futile.
Fourth, Jesus was eager to give His life so He could take it up again, “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth,” (Jn. 12:32a). Before the foundation of the world, Jesus knew He would give His life and He knew He would take it up again. He gave His life for this purpose, to show that He has the authority to lay it down and take it up again (Jn. 10:17-18). Once again, Jesus was eager to give His life in order to reveal His authority and power.
Finally, Jesus was eager to give His life so He could draw His sheep to himself, ” And I…will draw all people to myself.” (Jn. 12:32b) Jesus said that when He was raised from the grave, He would draw all people to himself. This does not mean that He all of humanity would be drawn to Him but that people from every nation would be drawn to Him. Christ Jesus came to give His life for His sheep in order to call them to Himself. He knows His sheep, they hear His voice and follow Him. He gives them eternal life, they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of His hand (Jn. 10:27-28). And when we all stand before the throne, we will see a great multitude of people from all tribes and peoples and languages (Rev. 7:9) because Jesus was eager to give His life.
Jesus was eager to give His life to ransom people from every nation, which included us if we hear His voice. He was eager to display the glory of God. He was eager to take His life up again in order to reign victoriously over Satan, sin, and death. His death is our death (Rom. 6:5a). His resurrection life is our life (Rom. 6:5b). Trust in the only one who would dare to give His life for weak, ungodly, sinners who were enemies of God in order to make us sons and daughters. Trust in His power and authority to keep you in His love.